IPL Photorejuvenation

IPL (Intense Pulse Light) Photorejuvenation treatments are a non-invasive option for treating a variety of skin conditions that result in a more even, radiant and youthful looking complexion. IPL Treatments improve the appearance of pigmented and vascular lesions on the face and body. Using the Intense Pulse Light process we are able to remove age spots/sunspots, (red and brown pigmented lesions) Rosacea, broken red facial vessels (photo-rejuvenation), minimize the appearance of large pores, and correct uneven skin texture improving overall skin tone.

IPL Photorejuvenation are designed to target skin cells at a deeper level than conventional facials, encouraging skin cell turnover and increasing the rate of collagen production – the necessary compound for keeping skin strong and healthy.

IPL Photorejuvenation systems make use of light energy to calm and heal the skin, and can also help to increase collagen production deep within the skin’s surface. The pulses of light penetrate deep into the epidermis where collagen and blood vessels expand and contract from the energy waves. The ongoing light energy stimulates the production of collagen, which in turn helps to keep skin looking youthful and fresh.

IPL procedure requires no downtime, is safe and easy yet effective. A series of 3-5 treatments is recommended, depending on individual skin concerns, in 4 week intervals to achieve optimal results. After treatment, pigmented lesions may initially darken and crust then naturally flake from the skin within a couple of weeks; vascular lesions constrict and fade from view. Slight redness and mild sunburn like sensation may occur post treatment dissipating within a few hours. It is highly recommended that clients continue to protect their skin from the sun while maintaining a good skincare regimen including sunscreen for the duration of the treatments.

Photorejuvenation for face - before
Photorejuvenation for face - after

Photorejuvenation for chest - before
Photorejuvenation for chest - after